Design Systems Hot Takes
My journey in contributing with the community.
Thanking you
Making sense of several solutions for design decisions aimed to help our community.
Spicy specifications
Defining transforms into a specification.
Token operations
Using framework magic in the pursuit of laziness.
Dynamic Astro Collections
You should be better than the inspect panel.
Low inspectations
Semantic nested rounding is systematically inconceivable.
Meaningless curves ahead
Humans don't like math so we use math to make the math easier, but at what cost?
The problem with a superfluous utility class approach and why I choose a different path.
Classname soup
While it might seem intuitive at first, naming your tokens this way is bad for your health.
Ondark virus
A recent bug turns into a realization that most close buttons across the web are engineered poorly.
Close thy enemy
A role that is near and dear to my heart and why I can't call myself one.
UX Engineer, a terminal career
Taking a moment to reflect and excited to launch the new site design.
Big four oh